Platinum Clustering

Influence of excess charge on Platinum Clustering on graphene substrate

collaborators: Srinibas Nandi, Dr. Satadeep Bhattacharjee, Dr. Phani Motamarri

Platinum nanoparticles act as catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction in fuel cells, and the clustering of the Platinum nanoparticles reduces effective surface area and activity. We intend to study the influence of excess charge introduced by an electron gun on Platinum clustering on graphene sheet. To this end, this problem is modelled as a non-periodic system, allowing us to use the multipole boundary conditions in the Poisson problem to account for the non-zero net charge. As a first step, we employ the dftd4 to provide the empirical post-scf corrections to energy and forces to account for Van der Waals correction in the existing DFT-FE framework. By extending finite-element based methodologies for DFT to incorporate non-local Van der Waals functionals and long-range non-covalent interactions, we intend to more accurately capture the intricate surface chemistry processes and shed light on the mechanisms driving catalytic reactions at the atomic scale.



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